
Why is watermelon so healthy

Fresh watermelon is hard to resist. Eat without guilt because it has few calories and lots of healthy ingredients. This healthy vegetables will provide many benefits for your body. 


  Benefits of watermelons: 

1 Watermelon is rich in electrolytes and water, so great in summer when it prevents dehydration. 

2 There are very low in calories (30 calories per 100 g). 

3 It is extremely rich in antioxidants that preserve health. 

4 is an excellent source of vitamin A, which is important for maintaining healthy skin and protects lung function and oral mucosis. 

5 Watermelon is rich in lycopene, beta-carotene, lutein that have positive effect in the prevention of cancer of the colon, prostate, breast and lung. 

6, is an excellent source of potassium which is important for the balance of electrolytes, for the control of heart rate and stroke prevention. 

7 contains a large amount of vitamin B6, vitamin-C and manganese. Foods rich in vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system while manganese is of special importance for the health of the skin and bones.

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