Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts


Why is ginger so healthy?

Ginger, Latin name (Zingiber officinale) is a plant first used as a food,  but also as a drug, for more than 3 000 years, mostly in Asia.

Ginger is today, because of its healing properties and soothing effects,  increasingly grown in almost all over the world.

Qualitative types of ginger comes to us from Jamaica, China and Australia.

Ginger is otherwise a tropical perennial plant that looks like a reed height of about one meter. The root is fleshy and long about 2 decimeter and that is the main part of this plant, used a s a food or medicine.

Healing and important ingredients in ginger 

Protein, dietary fiber and vegetable fat, gingerol, zingerone, enzymes, essential oils, vitamins ...

Application in food 

Ginger is a common spice an often a part of candies, tea, liquor, as a spice in many sauces, rice dishes, meet dishes... In  UK ginger, ginger bread is very popular...

Ginger as a remedy 

It s used as fresh or dried ginger root. It is used also in the form of powder and the tinctures, oils and teas. It is an excellent combination with lemon, honey and garlic, when it becomes power energy, vitamin and anti-bacterial bomb! Its very common used for healing baths, tea, and it  can be used for inhalation.

If you have a problem with  its taste or smell, it may be better solution to use capsules or tablets made of ginger, that  are available in pharmacies.

Curative ginger 

The healing effect of ginger comes from its strong antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, sedative and antipyretic effects.

Is also considered to be an aphrodisiac and a good natural tranquilizer and accelerator of  metabolism, and weight loss, and people offten recommends its use in the diet.


In some cases, the ginger is recommended for pregnant women for nausea, but before use, consult a dovtor. Also, consumption of more than 5 grams of ginger a day, can cause some side effects: nausea, heartburn, stomach pain or dizziness. Also, since ginger reduces blood clotting in people with bleeding (for whatever reason) We should limit its application.

That for ginger is  recommended? 

Anorexia, asthma, pain in  spine, cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the mouth and respiratory organs such as bronchitis, colds and flu, headaches, loss of appetite, diabetes, tatvor, corns, cough, kidney stones, urinary tract infection, insomnia , bloating, high cholesterol, high temperature, stabilizing intestinal flora, stomach aches, stiff muscles, inflammation of the ovaries ...


Natural remedy for headaches

Headache is sometimes difficult to determine the true cause. The most common reasons for headaches are fatigue, lack of sleep, poor posture and neck, stress, drafts, vision problems, poisoning, high blood pressure ...

Severe headache (migraine), may cause nausea, and other symptoms. What to do?

Natural remedies are recommended because they do not hurt like those synthetic. Here are a few of our suggestions:

Cut the potato in half and rub the area around the temples and forehead.

Compress the cabbage do so you will squeeze a fresh cabbage leaf and then place it on your forehead.

A few cloves of garlic, crush a ondadobijenu mixture put on a tissue and hold the trim on the forehead and temples. After 15 minutes, the headache should be silenced.

St. John's Wort
Tea from this herb drink slowly in small sips throughout the day. This tea will be removed except headaches and bad moods. In addition to St. John's wort can try black tea or rosemary.

Lemon and Coffee
In a cup of black coffee squeeze a lemon and drink it slowly.

Sometimes the only plain water to soothe the headache. It is possible to have a migraine because you have not provided enough fluids during the day. It is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water a day.

Finally, massage can also relax you and soothe headaches, as well as a warm relaxing bath.
Slightly massage the nasal bone in the area between the eyes and the area around the temple. Massage is the best use of mint oil.


How to.....SEXY LIPS

Winter is the time when your lips become particularly sensitive . Easier to shoot , dried , not so subtle ... The skin on the lips is much thinner than the other parts of the body , and also know that your lips have no sebaceous glands . Therefore require special care .

Choose carefully preparations that will be comfortable to your lips and avoid habits that will spoil the look , you will agree , one of the most important women trumps !

Lips look for constant moisture to prevent drying, were far from attractive . Because - Drink plenty of water , of course , not only because of the lips, but also because of the importance of hydration of the whole body .
Stop the habit of licking his lips. Saliva has enzymes in it harmful to the natural protective layer of the lips . Licking removing the protective layer and lips so easily dried .

Use a lip balm
Select balm containing vitamin E , še butter , almond oil or coconut , these ingredients are a guarantee that you will put on lip -quality product . Ladies with sensitive lips can use balm with camphor . Not bad occasionally lips podarite all-night care by thick smear layer Pantenol or some similar vitamin creams , and leave overnight .

There are peels that can be purchased at a pharmacy , but it can also do with a bit of sugar polurastopljnog in lukewarm water . Rub gently massaging mass lips . Nice flush them and apply lip balm . Do not go overboard with frequent peels , just once a week. Can cause redness and extra sensitivity of the lips .

Did it in this cold anima and just does not have much , but we know that lips are more sensitive to sunlight than the rest of the face and body. That's why they put the balm with SPF. Lately , a large number of such products on the market , and is particularly important to have them handy in summer .

Get your makeup
If lipstick is long on the lips can dry out your lips , especially if it is about the " cement variants " and long-lasting lipsticks . Remove makeup from her face as soon as you get home , and of course mandatory before going to bed . If you just can not live without lipstick , choose those that contain vitamins and oils such as those in the lip balm , something like " 2 in 1 " .



When you notice that your hair is increasingly decreasing , zou have to know that there could be  many many different  causes. Hair loss is particularly stressful for women with hair represents one of the strong points , but keep in mind that though there is help !

Hair loss usually is the result of genetics , and the use of aggressive shampoos and frequent washing , and daily stress . Now do not panic !

More hair loss can be quite temporary. After all , the pace of growth and the nature of the hair are subject to the surrounding influences and is completely normal that hair eventually change its color , density , quality and appearance .

Here's what you can do:

Each hair has a life cycle of about two to five years , when  hair is no longer active and this is a normal thing , but  it can become more frequent and stronger mainly due to aggressive treatment of hair products.

Therefore , pay attention to the cosmetics you use. If you  already often wash your hair , use a mild shampoo . Consult a dermatologist about the choice of shampoo if you are unsure of  your hair type .

- Olive oil
It would be good to your hair once a week, brush with olive oil to neutralize the effects of " chemistry ." In addition, to further feed the strands .

You can combine the package with eggs and a little honey .
Let them to stand on your hair as long as possible , apply it with a gentle massage the scalp , and then just rinse with  mild  or beby shampoo .

- Healthy Food
Proper nutrition is certainly a positive effect on the quality of the hair . Therefore, it is imperative that you be on the table regularly spinach , dried fruit , liver , egg yolks , seafood , meat , fish , wholemeal bread , cocoa , pepper , mushrooms , olives ...

Proper nutrition for your hair makes it more than any other , the most expensive product !

- Chamomile and Nettle
After washing , rinse the hair of chamomile tea . One liter of boiling water Pour four tablespoons of dried chamomile . Strain after 15 minutes, when the tea has a temperature that suits you rinse your hair .

In the same purposes , for stronger hair and prevent decline, you can also use nettle tea .