

When you notice that your hair is increasingly decreasing , zou have to know that there could be  many many different  causes. Hair loss is particularly stressful for women with hair represents one of the strong points , but keep in mind that though there is help !

Hair loss usually is the result of genetics , and the use of aggressive shampoos and frequent washing , and daily stress . Now do not panic !

More hair loss can be quite temporary. After all , the pace of growth and the nature of the hair are subject to the surrounding influences and is completely normal that hair eventually change its color , density , quality and appearance .

Here's what you can do:

Each hair has a life cycle of about two to five years , when  hair is no longer active and this is a normal thing , but  it can become more frequent and stronger mainly due to aggressive treatment of hair products.

Therefore , pay attention to the cosmetics you use. If you  already often wash your hair , use a mild shampoo . Consult a dermatologist about the choice of shampoo if you are unsure of  your hair type .

- Olive oil
It would be good to your hair once a week, brush with olive oil to neutralize the effects of " chemistry ." In addition, to further feed the strands .

You can combine the package with eggs and a little honey .
Let them to stand on your hair as long as possible , apply it with a gentle massage the scalp , and then just rinse with  mild  or beby shampoo .

- Healthy Food
Proper nutrition is certainly a positive effect on the quality of the hair . Therefore, it is imperative that you be on the table regularly spinach , dried fruit , liver , egg yolks , seafood , meat , fish , wholemeal bread , cocoa , pepper , mushrooms , olives ...

Proper nutrition for your hair makes it more than any other , the most expensive product !

- Chamomile and Nettle
After washing , rinse the hair of chamomile tea . One liter of boiling water Pour four tablespoons of dried chamomile . Strain after 15 minutes, when the tea has a temperature that suits you rinse your hair .

In the same purposes , for stronger hair and prevent decline, you can also use nettle tea .

Swimwear 2014!

Ready, steady, gooooo!

Summer is coming to and going on holiday. If you solve all the obligations about going to sea, lodging, budget, time ... it's time to deal with and the choice of swimsuit.

Season 2014 is season of a lot of bright colors, turquoise, yellow, pink, shallow models, mostly two-piece, then, there is a multitude of applications and patterns, but always stylish, classic black swimsuit.

See our gallery of the models that we have chosen, you may  find inspiration for your selection.





strong colors combinations



Bags and summer 2014! START!


Make right choise! 

Take a look!

Trendy Beach Bags for season 2014!