

The main requirements for a good sleep :   the dark, quiet room, not too cold, not too hot dry air.

Since the quality sleep and rest are bases of good health, get yourself these conditions: Reduce noise to a minimum and ensure the appropriate temperature (about 18 degrees).

The relative coolness that encourages the body fat into energy and so your body warm during the night.


People who sleep in the room where the accumulating different things - worse sleep. Let your pajamas is a soft, clean, cotton, experts advise.

Important is routine - sleep in a reasonable time, oridjite to bed before midnight, do not include mobile phones, but try before bedtime, for example, writing a diary ...


Read books before bedtime, and it will certainly be used as it encourages the body to sleep. Forget e-books.

Prevent noise around you, if you must, use earplugs. So, investing in purity, peace and quiet is worth because you will be back many times better general health.

Photo: Pixabay

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